Davos Declaration on the Promotion of Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in Developing and Transition Countries Adopted
Davos, 12-16 October 2015 – Participants of the Global Network Conference on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production, held from 12 to 16 October 2015, and organized by the United Nations[…]
Promoting sustainable pangasius market in Europe
In order to provide opportunities for the farmers, production and processing enterprises to learn about foreign fish market, the SUPA project ” Establishing a Sustainable Pangasius Supply Chain in Viet[…]
Young Vietnamese keen on adopting, sharing green lifestyle
A number of young Vietnamese joined a green tour on Saturday to Dong Nai Province, which neighbors Ho Chi Minh City, as one of GetGreen Vietnam’s activities to promote a[…]
The participation of SUPA project in Vietfish fair 2014 and Vietnam Pangasius Forum
The EU co-funded “Establishing a Sustainable Pangasius Supply Chain in Viet Nam (SUPA)” has being implemented by Vietnam Cleaner Production Centre (VNCPC), along with project’s partners: WWF Vietnam, WWF Austria and Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP), aimed to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly Pangasius production in Viet Nam. From 6th to 8th August […]
VNCPC participated in the 11th Asia Pacific Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (APRSCP)
In light of the current global framework, the 11th APRSCP “Paving the Way for the Future We Want” held in Bangkok, Thailand continued engaging multi-stakeholders in developing and implementing innovative policy solutions, up-scaling technology and knowledge benchmarking, approaches and instruments towards the development and implementation programmes on SCP. This event attracted about 300 participants, including […]
SUPA featured at Europe’s largest seafood trade fair
The annual European Seafood Exposition and Seafood Processing Europe in Brussels is the world’s largest seafood trade fair. Over 100,000 trade visitors including buyers, suppliers, media and other seafood-industry professionals from over 100 countries attended the 2014 fair to meet face to face and do business. The SWITCH-Asia project “Establishing a Sustainable Pangasius Supply Chain […]
Sustainable living space nurtures innovative ideas
A sustainable living space at the Hanoi University of Science and Technology was opened on April 29, aiming to promote sustainable consumption practices in Vietnam.
Impression from The Hybrid Marketplace and Learning Platform “Incubation for Social Investment Readiness”
On the 13th March, Green Credit Trust Fund (GCTF) participated the Hybrid Marketplace and Learning Platform event themed “Incubation for Social Investment Readiness” which was held by Spark, Adelphi and HATCH[…]
EU supports funding of sustainable catfish supply chain in Vietnam
A new project to establishing a sustainable pangasius supply chain in Viet Nam (SUPA) has been launched by the Viet Nam Cleaner Production Centre (VNCPC) and the Viet Nam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP). The project is worth €2.4 million, of which the European Union finances €1.9 million under the EU SWITCH-Asia Programme. […]
Innovative methods, capacity for sustainable future in Vietnam
On November 14th 2013 – at Press Club, SPIN project successfully organized the workshop “Product Innovation – Key to Sustainable Future” which welcomed nearly 100 participants and press agencies. The workshop brought up an overview of current situation, challenges and opportunities in product innovatiôn in Vietnam for enterprises and national policies. The workshop was pleased […]