Donor: Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Swiss State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO)

Executing agency: United Nations of Industrial Development (UNIDO) and Project Management Unit (PMU) – Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI)

Implementation agency of the component “Identify eco-industrial parks pilot projects and clarify the potential of eco-industrial park transformation in the selected industrial zones”: Vietnam Cleaner Production Centre Co.Ltd. (VNCPC)

Duration: 2015 – 2018

Overall objectives:

  • Policy and guidelines to facilitate the transformation of industrial zones (IZs) into eco-industrial parks (EIP);
  • Capacity building on eco-industrial park (EIP) strategy and measures;
  • Identification of eco-industrial parks (EIP) pilot projects; and
  • Pilot projects in industrial zones and communities, and information dissemination.

Objectives of this component:

  • Select examples of how innovative low-carbon and resource efficient technical solutions may be implemented.
  • Company selection: An in-plant pre-assessment is made for selection based on a list of potential industrial companies. A selection criterion is based on companies’ economic situation, infrastructure, environmental impact, management cooperation and RECP potential.
  • Training activities: 3-day training courses were delivered  in all three targeted IZs.
  • In-plant full assessment: The RECP team of each company was consulted by VNCPC experts in RECP implementation in the focused areas following methodology steps. The objective of this activity is to integrate theoretical knowledge into practice, to improve the capacity of participating companies.
  • Monitoring activities: Monitor the RECP results and how companies maintain their implementation results.
  • At least 60 companies in the three selected IZs should be assessed among those that are willing to implement and invest in the cleaner production measures identified and at least 45 companies achieve significant reduction of material and energy consumption.