• Host institution: Department of green distribution Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development – MOIT
  • Implementing partners: VNCPC, Faculty of Marketing – National Economics University
  • Duration: 8 – 12/2020
  • Sector: Green distribution
  • Region: Hanoi

This is a mission under the MOIT’s target program to respond to climate change and GG in the year 2020, to implement green distribution at a pilot supermarket belonging to a large supermarket chain in Hanoi.

Activities in 2020:

  • Participated in the pilot “Green transformation” program on the green distribution and the use of fully biodegradable AnEco bags. The event aimed at minimizing persistent plastic bags to contribute to GHG emission reduction, environmental protection and GG in Vietnam.
  • Took on the role of field survey and measurement to advise the distributors selected as the pilot for economical and efficient use of energy, waste management, design green booths… They are the resources for VNCPC to develop the green distribution guidelines for supermarkets and trade centres all over the country.
  • Participated in the consultation workshop on sustainable distribution systems organized by the Department of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development.


Guidelines on green distribution with specific, detailed, and easy-to-apply contents to help supermarkets and shopping centers all over the country develop green distribution systems, promote consumption towards creating the green trade in Vietnam.

Series of solutions to help supermarket 174 Lac Long Quan save costs such as: Reduce the use of old equipment that consumes energy and replace it with more energy-saving equipment (proposed replacement of old fluorescent tube lights with energy-saving LED bulbs can save the supermarket 174 Lac Long Quan with an estimate of 120 million VND/year); reducing waste and increasing the use of environmentally friendly materials and packaging… These solutions can be simultaneously deployed in supermarkets in BRG Mart’s chain, contributing to building a sustainable green distribution chain.