• Donor: SECO
  • Leading partner: MPI (PMU) and UNIDO
  • Implementing partners: VNCPC, dss+, NREC
  • Duration: 09/2021 – 04/2024
  • Sector: Industry
  • Region: Vietnam
  • Contact: Vu Nang Nam
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Tel: (84-24) 3868 4849 – ext 16

This service is part of the SECO funded project “Eco-industrial Park Intervention in Viet Nam – Perspective from Global Eco-industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP)” which is currently implemented by UNIDO in the developing and transition countries. In Viet Nam, it is jointly implemented by the government coordinating agency, MPI, and UNIDO in the period of 2020 – 2023. The development objective of the project is in line with that of GEIPP, to demonstrate the viability and benefits of Eco-industrial Park approaches in scaling up resource productivity and improving economic, environmental, and social performances of businesses and, thereby, contributing to an inclusive and sustainable industrial development in Viet Nam. Hiep Phuoc Industrial Park (HCM city) and their resident companies are selected to join in this part of project

Main activities of the project

Enterprises participating in the project will be supported with the following activities:

  • Capacity building on RECP, IS, and the eco-industrial park concept at the level of the industrial park;
  • RECP assessment and guidance to identify wastes in the production process, and interventions at expected no-or-low-cost reduction in energy, material, water, and chemicals consumption;
  • Development of feasibility studies for selected RECP and IS interventions as well as the implementation plan towards the eco-industrial park model.

Activities in 2021

Although the Covid situation in Vietnam was quite complicated causing certain delay of some project activities, the training courses for Hiep Phuoc industrial park were fulfilled on 19 and 24/11/2021 with the form of online training.

In 2022

  •  VNCPC and NREC have implemented RECP assessment for 31 enterprises.
  •  On November 24, 2022, VNCPC and Project Management Unit successfully organized the workshop: “Industrial symbiosis in Hiep Phuoc IP” at Workers Living Center – Hiep Phuoc IP. VNCPC experts have proposed and discussed with 13 enterprises on IS opportunities and 06 urban industrial symbiosis (UIS) opportunities.

In 2023

  • Monitored results of the RECP assessment component at the participating enterprises:

  • Assisted IPs in identifying and implementing IS opportunities:

Next steps

  • VNCPC and financial experts continue to support businesses/IP developers implementing proposed RECP/IS solutions;
  • VNCPC and policy experts complete policy recommendation reports to develop EIP in Viet Nam;
  • Collect data, evaluate and build a waste management system for Deep C and Amata IP.